Dear Richmond 100 CLUB members,
Please spread the word about the 100 CLUB which is now up and running for all past players, supporters, Old boys etc. No matter what happens guys Richmond Rovers is still your club at heart, so please come down and support your team and club.
I want to thank those people for continuing their $5 weekly or $20.00 monthly payments to the 100 CLUB account. Pops Timiloa, Mathew Timaloa, Faavae Kalolo, Peter Ah Kuoi, Peter Sigley, Tausi Tausi and Pau Tausi. These guys have been supporting their club, putting their money where their mouth is, for the last few years- before we even put a name on it. We have named this the 100 CLUB Plus Members. This idea came from Peter Ah Kuoi a few years ago when the club’s finances were weak, and the 7 guys ran with it. Peter’s vision was for all Richmond supporters to make Automatic Payments of $5 a week, or $20 a month, and bingo! -Richmond becomes financially secure and will last forever. He’s right!
Over 400 hundred Richmond people registered for our 100 Year Celebrations last year. Our goal is for 400 of our people to set up APs of $5 a week, or $20 a month, or pay $240 for the year, or whatever you can manage. Achieve this and our club will be here forever, self-sufficient and gloriously successful- all for the price of a cup of coffee a week.
The 100 Club membership cards for 2014 are now available. When you join, you will be sent a 2014 T-Shirt and 100 CLUB card. Regular emails will be sent out during the year about our 100 CLUB events and gatherings. There will be discounts on this card also e.g. $1 off every beer or spirits drink purchased at the Grey Lynn Tavern, member discounts for drinks and food plus accommodations at the Surrey Crescent Hotel and many more. This will be confirmed in a couple weeks time and then passed on.
Come on! -Join the 100 CLUB now.
For those who prefer internet banking, here is the account number. Please put your name down as reference, a receipt will be sent to you with the goods when we receive your Payment. We have two joining options. Please join either as a
1. 100 CLUB Member with a $100 payment; or
2. 100 CLUB Plus Member with a $5 weekly AP, a $20 monthly AP or a $240 annual payment. 100 CLUB Plus members will receive 30% off any club merchandise purchased.
Our plans for a new clubhouse are taking shape. A Council Needs Assessment report is about to be released, and then we move to Stage 2 with a submission in July. We need to show Council our Club is financial viable. 400 club members with $5 Automatic Payments equals $104,000. Once the APs are in place, this shows our Club is financial viable- in a big way.
All our Board of Directors have set their APs up. Our first milestone is 100 supporters with APs in place by the end of April. The bank account is Richmond Rovers 100 Club ASB 12-3022-0446146-01. Please note the 01 suffix. Put your name in the reference. We’ve now got 14 APs in place. 86 to go.
For Richmond to remain the greatest club of all, to continue and survive, we are asking for our club supporters, past players and everyone to support our club. Just imagine for a moment the financial power of 100 CLUB Plus Members x 100 ($24,000). Imagine a paid top-class Coaching Development Officer for our juniors and our coaches. Imagine paid administrators. Imagine reimbursing our loyal Premier players and coaching staff better than any other Fox Memorial Shield club. Imagine after school homework classes for our juniors before their training. Imagine Richmond Rovers as a professional league club. We have these goals, and they can be achieved. We simply need your memberships so please join your Richmond Club Now!
Thank you again
Best Regards
Gus Fepuleai
Chairman RRRLFC
021 08369836
Please spread the word about the 100 CLUB which is now up and running for all past players, supporters, Old boys etc. No matter what happens guys Richmond Rovers is still your club at heart, so please come down and support your team and club.
I want to thank those people for continuing their $5 weekly or $20.00 monthly payments to the 100 CLUB account. Pops Timiloa, Mathew Timaloa, Faavae Kalolo, Peter Ah Kuoi, Peter Sigley, Tausi Tausi and Pau Tausi. These guys have been supporting their club, putting their money where their mouth is, for the last few years- before we even put a name on it. We have named this the 100 CLUB Plus Members. This idea came from Peter Ah Kuoi a few years ago when the club’s finances were weak, and the 7 guys ran with it. Peter’s vision was for all Richmond supporters to make Automatic Payments of $5 a week, or $20 a month, and bingo! -Richmond becomes financially secure and will last forever. He’s right!
Over 400 hundred Richmond people registered for our 100 Year Celebrations last year. Our goal is for 400 of our people to set up APs of $5 a week, or $20 a month, or pay $240 for the year, or whatever you can manage. Achieve this and our club will be here forever, self-sufficient and gloriously successful- all for the price of a cup of coffee a week.
The 100 Club membership cards for 2014 are now available. When you join, you will be sent a 2014 T-Shirt and 100 CLUB card. Regular emails will be sent out during the year about our 100 CLUB events and gatherings. There will be discounts on this card also e.g. $1 off every beer or spirits drink purchased at the Grey Lynn Tavern, member discounts for drinks and food plus accommodations at the Surrey Crescent Hotel and many more. This will be confirmed in a couple weeks time and then passed on.
Come on! -Join the 100 CLUB now.
For those who prefer internet banking, here is the account number. Please put your name down as reference, a receipt will be sent to you with the goods when we receive your Payment. We have two joining options. Please join either as a
1. 100 CLUB Member with a $100 payment; or
2. 100 CLUB Plus Member with a $5 weekly AP, a $20 monthly AP or a $240 annual payment. 100 CLUB Plus members will receive 30% off any club merchandise purchased.
Our plans for a new clubhouse are taking shape. A Council Needs Assessment report is about to be released, and then we move to Stage 2 with a submission in July. We need to show Council our Club is financial viable. 400 club members with $5 Automatic Payments equals $104,000. Once the APs are in place, this shows our Club is financial viable- in a big way.
All our Board of Directors have set their APs up. Our first milestone is 100 supporters with APs in place by the end of April. The bank account is Richmond Rovers 100 Club ASB 12-3022-0446146-01. Please note the 01 suffix. Put your name in the reference. We’ve now got 14 APs in place. 86 to go.
For Richmond to remain the greatest club of all, to continue and survive, we are asking for our club supporters, past players and everyone to support our club. Just imagine for a moment the financial power of 100 CLUB Plus Members x 100 ($24,000). Imagine a paid top-class Coaching Development Officer for our juniors and our coaches. Imagine paid administrators. Imagine reimbursing our loyal Premier players and coaching staff better than any other Fox Memorial Shield club. Imagine after school homework classes for our juniors before their training. Imagine Richmond Rovers as a professional league club. We have these goals, and they can be achieved. We simply need your memberships so please join your Richmond Club Now!
Thank you again
Best Regards
Gus Fepuleai
Chairman RRRLFC
021 08369836