We are proud to report that the 100 club is growing from strength to strength since its beginning at the end of Febuary this year. We started off with a committee of eight, and then quickly got down to discuss our main objectives and set some achievable goals. The 100 club has no ties at all with our 100 years celebrations in 2013 or affiliations to the current old boys Organization.
The 100 club was purely formed to get 100 past players ,members or supporters to donate $100 each to assist with the day to day running of the club, a much needed paint job for the club rooms, repairs inside and outside the club and to pay some of the Club’s old debts from 2011. Right at this point coming up to the middle of May, we will achieve this number by the end of the month, thanks to all those that have supported this cause. We are trying our hardest to post photos of all those that have made contributions and joined the 100 club on our existing website. We will be re- setting our goals to achieve a number of 200 members by the end of July as the word gets around to all our past players and supporters.
Funding Sports Clubs these days is a huge challenge for everyone, the grants monies do not last very long, fundraising initiatives are on the go every time, and the club is continually on the hunt for Sponsorships wherever they can. Our Long term goal is to build a solid base of passionate past players & supporters behind our club going forward so everyone can stay in touch with the latest news, fundraising events/functions and on how the football teams are featuring during the year. The news about the 100 club functions is always available on our site and we want everyone that can make it to support us every FIRST FRIDAY of every month. The first outing this year on the Friday 4th of May was a huge success and we are certainly looking forward to more of you attending. I urge all the past players and supporters of this great club locally and overseas to contact us not only to join but when you need more information. We will try our very best to inform all our members with current news and Club Events as we move forward.
All I can say is – thank you for your support and we look forward to see you at the Richmond Rovers club at one of our 100 club gatherings.
Gus Fepuleai
Chairperson Fundraising (Richmond Rovers Rugby League Club)
The 100 club was purely formed to get 100 past players ,members or supporters to donate $100 each to assist with the day to day running of the club, a much needed paint job for the club rooms, repairs inside and outside the club and to pay some of the Club’s old debts from 2011. Right at this point coming up to the middle of May, we will achieve this number by the end of the month, thanks to all those that have supported this cause. We are trying our hardest to post photos of all those that have made contributions and joined the 100 club on our existing website. We will be re- setting our goals to achieve a number of 200 members by the end of July as the word gets around to all our past players and supporters.
Funding Sports Clubs these days is a huge challenge for everyone, the grants monies do not last very long, fundraising initiatives are on the go every time, and the club is continually on the hunt for Sponsorships wherever they can. Our Long term goal is to build a solid base of passionate past players & supporters behind our club going forward so everyone can stay in touch with the latest news, fundraising events/functions and on how the football teams are featuring during the year. The news about the 100 club functions is always available on our site and we want everyone that can make it to support us every FIRST FRIDAY of every month. The first outing this year on the Friday 4th of May was a huge success and we are certainly looking forward to more of you attending. I urge all the past players and supporters of this great club locally and overseas to contact us not only to join but when you need more information. We will try our very best to inform all our members with current news and Club Events as we move forward.
All I can say is – thank you for your support and we look forward to see you at the Richmond Rovers club at one of our 100 club gatherings.
Gus Fepuleai
Chairperson Fundraising (Richmond Rovers Rugby League Club)