Bookings are flooding in. So to help out, we have extended the deadline for the discounts to the events to SUNDAY 5 MAY.
All members who pay their $20 registration fee and pay for their events by this Sunday 5 May will receive the discounts. How? 3 options- on-line via our Richmond website or post forms to our PO Box 78-391 Grey Lynn 1245 or fill out forms and hand in to the Club at this Saturday’s team prizegiving.
HOT TIP- if not registered yet, pay your $20 and the event prices at the same time.
Over 100 of our people have already booked the Saturday night dinner, not to mention the Friday night mix and mingle . Book your event this week and you will secure your part in the greatest Richmond weekend in the last 100 years.
We can’t wait for Queens Birthday Weekend- Richmond Rovers 100 Year Committee