20-23 July: NCEA Drivers Licence course
NCEA Unit Standards Courses
Tuesday 20th July (GET Active Level 2)
9677 - Communicate in a team or group which has an objective.
12349 - Demonstrate knowledge of time management.
12355 - Describe strategies for managing stress
Wednesday 21st July (GET Custom Level 2)
24871 - Complex Forms.
7124 - One to one negotiation.
1299 - Be Assertive.
542 - Recognise discrimination.
Thursday 22 July (GET Active Level 3)
9681 - Contribute within a team or group which has an objective.
4251 - Plan a career pathway.
1296 - Interview in informal situations.
Friday 23 July (GET Living Level 3)
28100 - Develop a plan to achieve a long term financial goal.
28098 - Evaluate Options to increase income.
2990 - Read Texts.