Thank your Richmond club volunteers simply by clicking on the image and filling out a short 5 minute online nomination form. Volunteers are the life line of the Richmond club so what better way than to thank them via SPORT AUCKLAND.
Thank you for showing your appreciation for a New Zealand Sport Maker. Whether it's blowing a whistle, coaching, balancing the books or helping with the fundraising BBQ – volunteers are the backbone of New Zealand sport. They make sport happen, that's why we call them Sport Makers.
To send them a thank you e-card just fill in the details below. Doing so also gives them the chance to enter a prize draw to win $500 of quality clothing and sporting goods.
Lotto New Zealand, in partnership with Sport NZ, is proud to be contributing over $1 million of clothing and sporting goods to Sport Makers and their teams throughout New Zealand over the next three years.
SPORT AUCKLAND is part of this nationwide volunteer recognition initiative, supported by Sport NZ and Lotto. SPORT AUCKLAND wishes to recognise as many local volunteers as possible. It is so important that we thank our sport volunteers, as without them, sport would not happen. The ‘Thank a Sport Maker’ campaign is an easy way to let our Richmond club volunteers know how grateful you are that they give up their time and expertise to make rugby league happen at your club.