I would like to encourage you all to take advantage of a great opportunity to promote your business (or a friends business) through our rugby league club, our local community and its members.
Click here to check out this flyer for our Richmond 100 business club raffle. On Friday 24th May we intend to host our guests and club members to a raffle draw in which two businesses will be announced to don their business logo on our club Premier team and Premier 1st team jerseys for the 2013 season.
If you are interested in supporting this community initiative then purchase a $100 raffle ticket from our Richmond club Chairman, Gus Fepuleai on 021 083 69836
All purchased tickets will receive a free 6 month business listing (valued at $600).
If interested we also have other advertising opportunities (club room signage, sponsorships etc) available which Gus can happily discuss with you.
We hope you see great merit at a small investment in this initiative to bring your business closely aligned to our club, our local community and its members.