We also want to thank those Richmond Junior Teams, and other Sports teams/clubs who were willing to support the cause. Our Priority was first & foremost our RICHMOND SENIORS. Hopefully later down the track prior to the Season commencing we can organise another event.
Below are the teams who will be competing. Team Captains, I would strongly recommend bringing your team every Sat mornings to the Senior Pre Season camp, 7am, Les Mills-CrossFit HPU (Victoria St). This will allow an insight into the types of exercises expected, as the programme and rules will only be given out on the day of Event by Mark Michaels (Prems Head trainer).
1. Richmond Roses,
2. Richmond Uso.s,
3. Richmond Ali'is,
4. Richmond Tokes,
5. Richmond U/20's,
6. Tag Samoa Open Mens
7. Tag Samoa Mixed,
8. Richmond Prems/Resvs,
9. Richmond Prems/Resvs,
10. Ricmond Prems/Resvs,
11. Richmond Prems/Resvs,
12. Richmond Prems/Resvs
- Competing Teams Need to be @ Les Mills Car Park 0630am for De-Brief
- Please have Team Rego Fee to Molly (team manager) before Feb 9th. $40 per team.
- Richmond Throwdown Games will commence @ 7am sharp.
- We strongly encourage to bring your families and teams for support. Any children, Please DO NOT let them run around Venue for safety reason's.
- Each team to provide their own Water,
- Bring Work Out Towel & Runners,
- Team Captains, this will be a WORK OUT session, so please make sure your Players have no serious medical conditions or injuries. Its a team building event, lets have some serious fun with out any issues.
"Richmond THROWDOWN Programme"
0630am - Team(s) debrief
0700am - Games commence
0800am - Games finish (Prize giving)
0830am - Sausage Sizzle & Light Refreshments @ Victoria Park (playground area)