Turn up on time, warm up as a team, do your dynamic stretches properly to prepare for the season. Do the business like you are professionals. The more efficient we are at trainings, the more efficient and purposeful we will be at game time.
Richmond Academy
Thanks Lui for being Head Coach for Richmond Academy this year. Very well done to all those boys (about 10 from under 20s) who have been training consistently with Academy since November last year. You guys will reap those rewards this year. You will find you are fitter, faster, stronger and more able to learn and apply new skills and plays. You need to keep pushing yourself at team trainings and during games so you get even better and those around you also become better. That way as a team, we wll become a strong and fit unit with no limits to what we can do this season.
Titans NRL experience
Great work, Jaedyn, Samson, Keneti, Matt, Lllewis and Ley for representing our team and club very well at Titans this year. All boys had the inspiring opportunity to live the NRL experience. All will tell you that Academy really helped prepare them physically and mentally for the hard training and expectations – on and off the field. The boys had a thoroughly awesome, valuable and rewarding experience.
Richmond Premiers crossfit challenge
Thanks to Fahren, Lousi, Julian and Jordan who represented our under 20s in the crossfit challenge at Les Mills last month. It was a very early start (6.30am), it was tough and our team did really well, coming in 3rd and 4th overall. It was an awesome morning and great to take part in fitness workout with our seniors, thanks boys!