The future development of Grey Lynn Park is up for discussion once again. Reporter Jess Lee spoke to park users about what they hope to see happen to this jewel in the suburb's crown.
Most users of Grey Lynn Park - from dog-walkers to rugby league players - will agree that it could do with a bit of a spruce-up.
Some of its facilities were upgraded a few years ago after lobbying by the community who wanted to breathe a bit of life into the tired park.
But with standards slipping again, some users say an assessment to determine the needs of the park can't come soon enough.
Community groups and long-time resident rugby league club the Richmond Rovers have been consulted.
The Waitemata Local Board is awaiting the report which will be used to update its development plan.
It should go on the board agenda by March ahead of wider public consultation, chairman Shale Chambers says.
Richmond Rovers treasurer Graeme Atmore wants to see the plans put into action.
"The facilities are substandard and desperately need upgrading," he says.
"We want to be in a position where by the end of next summer we've knocked this over and are building a replacement."
At the moment the club's 600 players have to make do with sharing small changing rooms in the rundown 1970s clubhouse while visiting teams sometimes have to change under a tree.
The poor state of the sports fields are also a concern, he says.
"We have thousands of people down here every Saturday and things just aren't up to scratch.
"The club has been here a hundred years and I think the council doesn't realise the suffering we're going through."
Grey Lynn Park Advisory Group member Nicola Legat says the community want to see a commitment to enhancing and maintaining the park. "It's the heart and lungs of the neighbourhood. The park's resources are used by a lot of people for a lot of different reasons," Ms Legat says.
"It's all very well having a plan but there needs to be money put aside as well."
The advisory group is encouraged by the assessment and is eagerly awaiting the plans when they go out for consultation, she says.